The Bulletin of EHP ''Suyun'', 2 vol.

The Bulletin of ethnogenomics-historical project "Suyun"

Published newsletters:


No. 8. 765-850 (Volume 2, No. 8 [1,2], August 2015)

 Gallyamov S. A. The selected texts from the article: “The ancient tribe — Alan» 770
 Muratov B. A. DNA genealogy of the Bashkir childbirth — 2
 Muratov B. A., R. R. Suyunov Genographic Slavonic names — 1
 Muratov B. A. DNA genealogy of Tatar names — 1. Volga Tatars 812
 Muratov B. A., R. R. Suyunov Results etnograficheskii expeditions to Kyrgyzstan — 1 821
 Books, ethnogenomics-historic project ", Sun» 846
 notes 847

No. 7. 617-764 (Volume 2, No. 7 [1,2], July 2015)

 Muratov B. A., the Descendants of the Bulgars, according to Y-DNA 622
 kiekbaev George.G. Introduction to the Ural-Altaic linguistics - 2
    §5. §  5.  About  learning  Ural-Altaic  languages  and 
the occurrence of Ural-Altaic teorijose information about Ural-Altaic languages
 Muratov B. A., R. R. Suyunov Oghuz clans: ethnogenesis 
and genogeography — 1
 Enikeev A. Z. Teonim Shulgan (Ulgen) 695
 intended  B. A.  Concept  A. A. Klyosov    the
non-African  homeland  person:  arguments 
“for” and “against”. Questions of creationism
 Books, ethnogenomics-historic project ", Sun» 761
 notes 762

No. 6. 517-616 (Volume 2, No. 6 [1], June 2015)

 Muratov B. A. the Origin of Karachai-Balkar language 522
 kiekbaev George.G. Introduction to the Ural-Altaic linguistics - 1
    §1. General information about Ural-Altaic languages
    §2. Attempt a generalized classification of the Ural-Altaic languages
    §3. The formation of the Ural-Altaic languages
    §4. About the education of languages, foundations of individual groups of Uralo - Altaic languages
          about the time their territorial separation
 Muratov B. A. Bashkir I1 568
 Asylguzhin R.R. Yusupov, Y. M. the origin of the Bashkirs kind of Kobau according  Genographic 602
 Tarskaya, L. A., Gogolev A. I., Elchinova G. I., Egorov A. G., limborsky  S. A.  Analysis of T→tranzactii locus RBF5 Yakuts 605
 Books, ethnogenomics-historic project ", Sun» 513
 notes 514

No. 5. 343-516 (Volume 2, No. 5 [1], May 2015)

 Yu. a. Zuev, ethnic history of Usuns
    1. The Huns and Usuns
    2."Ancient wusun lands"
    3. Usuns in the antique sources
 Moiseev, A.P., Muratov B. A., Smagulov G. H., R. R. Suyunov, Shaimova, L. I. the Story kind of Timesa Shaimova - 1
 Muratov B. A. Response to "review" and the work of scientist and philosopher J. M. Sabitova in the field of history and ethnogenomics - 1. Research B. A. Muratov 
    1.1. Sabitovna
    1.2. Response to "review of J. M. Sabitova about my work: "Ethnogenesis Bashkirs: historiography and modern studies"
 Trofimova N. In. The Bashkirs and the phylogeography of haplogroup R Y chromosomes 488
 Bikbulatov N. In. The Bashkir system of kinship 1 504
 Books, ethnogenomics-historic project ", Sun» 513
 notes 514

No. 4. 265-342 (Volume 2, No. 4 [1], May 2015)

 Gallyamov, S. A., Muratov B. A. dashte-Sabiran  — dashte-Kypsak  — the Cossack camp 270
 Muratov B. A. About the etymology of ethnonyms. Part 1, "Khazars", "cirac", "goose", "Cherkas," "Kazakh", "the Kyrgyz", "Kirghiz-kaysak" and "Cossack" 274
 Varenichenko V. E. Cossacks  —  heirs and descendants of the Turanian, Scythian and Polovtsian traditions    1 287
 Varenichenko V. E. the Interior of the Cossack camp — 1 298
 Muratov B. A. ancestors of Turkis and Pro-Indo-European. The localization of their homeland, and the details of geographic linguistics in the application    1 301
 Books, ethnogenomics-historic project ", Sun» 339
 notes 340

No. 3. 189-264 (Volume 2, No. 3 [1], April 2015)

 Muratov B. A. Ethnic history of carriers subclades R1a-Y57 and Q1a-L712.  Sauromats, Huns, savirs, Khazars and Magyars - 1 194
 Nefedov, S. A. the Era of horse archers. The emergence of the Hun bow 225
 Muratov B. A. Religious beliefs of the Khazars 231
 Koestler, A. the Thirteenth knee. The collapse of the Khazar Empire and its heritage — 1 239
 Eference V. A. Tyumentseva: V centuries in the Siberian land — 2 256
 Books, ethnogenomics-historic project ", Sun» 261
 notes 262

No. 2. 99-188 (Volume 2, No. 2 [1], March 2015)

Volkov V. G. Karimov, A. A. the Origin and kinship of the tribe Unlar according to genetic studies,
 Muratov B. A. Ossetian language and the Aland question. Part 1
1. For what purpose was this theme selected.
2. The Ossetian language.
3. New Persian texts and the Avestan languages.
4. Osetinsky on the territory of Eurasia.
5. Caucasian substratum in the language and ethnic groups of the Ossetians. 
6. The Aland question. 
7. Massagets-Alans and Alanian language.
8. Data on the anthropology and archaeology of the ancient Alanian graves

 Eference V.A. Tyumentseva: V centuries in the Siberian land-1
  Chapter one. The khans of Siberia (Tyumen)
  Chapter two. The princes and chieftains of Tyumentseva at the court of Russian tsars

 Synodic Ermakov Cossacks 164
 the anthem of the Irkutsk Cossack troops  167
 Skiff V. Irkutsk Cossacks  170
 geldings, N.M. Irkutsk Cossack army-1  172
Books, ethnogenomics-historic project ", Sun» 185
Notes 186

No. 1. 1-98 (Volume 2, No. 1, [1,2,3], January 2015)



1. Suyunov R. R. History of the names of Tyumentseva. Part 1  6
2. Muratov B. A. Saka ethnic component in the population of the Tagar archaeological culture  11
3. Kalamova Z. G., Sorman sarrera  20
4. Muratov A. B. The Big-Y results of Buryjan Bashkirs.  the
5. Muratov B. A. Anatoly klyosov and his opponents, 
DNA genealogy and population genetics 
Books, ethnogenomics-historic project ", Sun»  94
Notes  95


No. 2. 71-150 (Volume 1, No. 2 [1,7], December 2014)



1. Muratov B. A. R. R. Suyunov the results of the expedition 
Egip “Sun” in June-July 2014 DNA
testing Hungarian names. Part 1 


2. Muratov B. A. Suyunov R. R. Nogay klanlarin (soy) 
k&malmö;keni — ETP "Suyun" g&malmö;re yapilan etnogenomik keşif 


3. Sweitzer D. Paleo-DNA of human remains from 
The Lichtenstein cave (culture fields 
funerary urns)


4. Evstigneev, Y. Kumano, A. / coons: who are they?    127
5. Tinbergen I. B., Muratov B. A. Life talevski 
Bashkirs of the early twentieth century in the manuscript diary 
Books, ethnogenomics-historic project ", Sun»  217
Notes  218

No. 1. 1-70 (Volume 1, No. 1 [1,2], November 2014)



Suyunov R. R. Foreword  6
1. Muratov B. A. R. R. Suyunov Kind of Chagall Shakman, 
Alobera clan and the descendants of Inasi (Kipchak Khan) 
Big data-Y


2. Muratov B. A. refutation of the new myths 
the scientists at the origin of the Bashkir 
the tribe Burzyan


3. R. R. Suyunov About the formulas of SKREAM AND MS  39
4. Penzev, A. K. ashin/Toque    41
5. Evstigneev, Yu. a. Hungarian Cumans/coons   50
Books, ethnogenomics-historic project ", Sun»  65
Annotation  66
Notes  67


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