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B. A. Muratov
I have no enemies,
because, and i should be
say “thank you” to them for any favor.
They are only those who before the end of
do not understand,
that everything that we do á s
is a reflection of our nature.
(Soraman, 2015 ©).
palabras claves: Zhaksylyk Sabitov, Zaksylykism, pseudoscience, carping of political science methods, Ethnogenomics and History, Polymorphism of Y-chromosome, Ethnogenesis, Bashkirs, Methods of Population Genetics, Turanians*.
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The political scientist and philosopher Zh.M. Sabitov well-known on Internet forums under the pseudonym asan-kaygy recently he decided to do a critical analysis of the works of researchers in the field of History[1] and DNA-genealogy[2].
In Bulletin of EH Project "Suyun" we begin a series of publications to articles and "expertos" of the political scientist and philosopher Zh.M.Sabitov in History and Ethnogenomics.
Previously, I asked of Zh.M.Sabitov[3] that he sent to me his "a review" of my work á s "Ethnogenesis of Bashkirs: historiography and modern researches". But Zh.M. Sabitov chose a silence for this question from me.
So, my response to his "a review" i done a late, I could give the answer also in 2014, when was written Zh.M. Sabitov of his "a great review" about my monograph. But, only in 2015. I was able to read the so-called "a review" Zh.M. Sabitov about my monography "Ethnogenesis of Bashkirs: historiography and modern researches"[4], and about a work of R. P. Khrapachevsky “Polovtsians-Kuns in the Volga-Ural interfluve (according to Chinese sources)”[5] y otros works of Zh.M. Sabitov[6].
In de Youtube á s you can see as "DNA-analyst" de Zh.M. Sabitov discusses in History science (in Spanish language): youtube.com/watch?v=u8jbbpL7j2E
Zhaxylyk Sabitov
In this article, will be given my answer to "a review" of the political scientist and philosopher Zh.M. Sabitov about my work "Ethnogenesis of Bashkirs: historiography and modern researches".
Also, we open in BEHPS** a series of publications about a pseudo-scientist and charlatan Zh.M. Sabitov in the History and Ethnogenomics.
1) Zh.M. Sabitov deliberately misinforming readers attributing to me how he writes á s the factual errors. These "expertos" of Zh.M. Sabitov did without the arguments, but he used an “agressive expression” method.
Eventually we see in "a review" of Zh.M. Sabitov as he instead of facts did a "blackening" of his opponent.i.e. Zh.M. Sabitov did a la mud to opponent. So Zh.M. Sabitov can inventing some fact or de ideas, which by him were attributed to the opponents.
2) Zh.M. Sabitov does pseudo-scientific terms, in which he is not an expert. These expressions give a semblance of his scientific researches:
Zh.M. Sabitov in his "a review" was used the next pseudo-scientific and expressions tales phrases[7]:
- Multidimensional scaling,
- Calculation of genetic distances,
- Cluster analysis,
- Construction of phylogenetic networks,
- Selection on the basis of networks of clusters close haplotypes,
- Allocation of modal haplotype (Haplotype founder).
- Count TMRCA (the lifetime of the first common ancestor) to through genealógicos and evolutionary rates of de las mutaciones).
Glossary and terminology of these terms Zh. Sabitov does not gave, but these terms are written Zh.M.Sabitov with overlooking expert of DNA-genealogy, allegedly he knows what is at stake in the article.
About incompetence bias and political scientist and philosopher Zh.M. Sabitov in matters of History and Ethnogenomics, we will also be write in a subsequent articles. We will considered factual errors of Zh.M. Sabitov.
will Also be considered typical for Zh.M. Sabitov supply provocative material, which are not really science, but it relates to personal problems of Zh.M. Sabitov and this are his really attitude to opponents.
Before we also did the critical notes to the articles of this philosopher with polarización negativa materials of Zh.M. Sabitov and his pseudoscience[8] in History and Ethnogenomics[9].
Zh.M. Sabitov accuses me, as he wrote: "in the main mistake á s in a small sample (45 people for the study of Bashkir clans". But again Zh.M. Sabitov deliberately misinforming readers, because i used in my book the results about 2 thousand men, this fact was described in the book[10] á s but Zh.M. Sabitov either inattentive or he deliberately missed this fact for his readers.
3) Zh.M. Sabitov used a method of direct insults addressed to me. Zh.M. Sabitov writes about allegedly my historical fantasies with genetic link between of Bashkirian clan Buryjan and Mongolian clan á s Kiyat-Boryjdzhigin.
Here, the pseudo-historiadora del arte, and pseudo-ethnogenomist Zh.M. Sabitov á s again said a lie.
Because In my monography á s no words about genetic links between Bashkirian clan Buryjan and Mongolian clan Kiyat-Boryjdzhigin. We have already written that Zh.M. Sabitov deliberately distorts and exaggerates phrases his opponents.
Also, Zhaksylyk Sabitov did not used the a bibliography of my work[11] y Zh.M. Sabitov deliberately adds error[12] for my monography in his "a review", y etc. The purpose of this behavior of Zh.M. Sabitov á s it his slandering to his opponents, this a mixing of his personal resentments and this absence of science in works of the Zh.M. Sabitov.
If Zh.M.Sabitov carefully was reading my book, he must was a see that A. V. Gorohov is a the supporter of the genetic link between of Bashkirian clan Buryjan and Mongolian clan Kiyat-Boryjdzhigin, no me[13].
The word á s "genetic link" has been added Zh.M. Sabitov, and instead a name "A. V. Gorohov" de Zh.M. Sabitov gave a name "B. A. Muratov" in his "a review". That is, deliberately á s Zh.M. Sabitov misinform readers, literalmente changing the text and arbitrarily changing the names of the authors.
In my book i suggested that Genghis-Khan and his descendants may have been representatives of the haplogroup R1b-M269, based on testing Bahrin clan from Uzbeks, they lead their origin from Baarin Horchi-Noyon.
Zh.M. Sabitov cleverly replaces the concept, a menudo inserting the term "a genetic link" though he knows that study on haplogroup of Genghis-Khan have not been completed, and that relatives of certain ancient ethnic groups yet to not fully known.
a menudo and again using the "aggressive expression" method á s Zh.M. Sabitov does not a indicate question of bibliography, for example, a other researchers, who wrote this before than me. They put forward hypotheses about the relationship with the Bashkirian clan Buryjan with:
- Kurds [14],
- Ossetians á s Digor People [15],
- Berendei [16]
Of course, the genetic evidence (belonging to the general SNP-terminal marker) is insufficient or ausente, ahora. Because Ethnogenomics studies in these researches have not completed. And historical hipótesis about the relationship of the Kurds, Buryjans, Ossetians á s Digor People and Berendei á s it are not enough without DNA data. But with the arrival of DNA and paleo-DNA data this hipótesis, will be confirmed or will be refuted.
4) As for the grammatical errors á s they actually present, but they negligible in my monography, because my work was written by me, without an editor.
Zh.M. Sabitov deliberately was distorted and the main thesis my work. In the book I'm writing, that the Bashkirs mostly descendants Turanians[17], Zh.M. Sabitov slightly alters the text in my book and assigns me other words. Since filing of Zh.M. Sabitov I said allegedly that Bashkirs is not even descendants of Turanians, and that Bashkirs are the very Turanians . In total for readers who did not read my book, Zh.M. Sabitov was distorted the whole meaning my work.
Valid for SNP Z2123 i made the concept of conditional "Turanian SNP" because this SNP are inherent descendants of Turanians. Pero, again, if Zh.M. Sabitov was read carefully my book, he had to pay attention to:
1) That in my monography were listed Historiography's questions of this theme, about historical names "Turan" and "Turanians"[18].
2) That the later [19] by Turanians á s were named all steppe ethnic groups of northern Eurasia, which share similar lifestyle, at least. But the early Turanians have the same languages[20] with Iranians. Only religious cults were different, what composes distinguishing of early Turanians between ethnically related to them Zoroastrian Iranians[21].
But, Zh.M. Sabitov in his "a review" begins his pseudoscientific nonsense in the form of high-sounding about words: "constructs and genetic markers with different nature of appearance, performance and development"[22].
Así, no "genetic mixing and ethnic and religious markers in the reconstruction of the history" á s does not and speech in my work. But these words, was trying to distort the meaning of Zh.M. Sabitov in my book, he told a lie*.
P. S. In de Youtube: About pseudo-scientist Zhaksylyk Sabitov in History and Ethnogenomics (In Spanish language)
* In Spanish language, see this article in here https://www.academia.edu/13417121/Муратов b. a. RESPUESTA A "RESEÑAS" Y el TRABAJO POLITLOGO Y FILÓSOFO g. M. САБИТОВА EN el campo de la HISTORIA Y ЭТНОГЕНОМИКИ. A la INVESTIGACIÓN b. a. МУРАТОВА//The Bulletin of Ethnogenomics-Historical Project "Suyun", Pág. 411-487 (volumen 2, nº 5, [1], de mayo de 2015)
** BEHPS á s The Bulletin of Ethnogenomics-Historical Project “Suyun”, suyun.info/index.php?p=bulletin
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[1] muratov b.A. génesis de étnic los bashkirios: historiografía y los estudios modernos. ЭИП Суюн», Serie de la ЭиД», Es 1. Cuadrados, de los urales, 2013, 267 c., ISBN: 978-5-9904583-1-4.
[2] Сабитов g. M. Reseña de монографию b. a. Муратова génesis de étnic los bashkirios: historiografía y los estudios modernos»//Золотоордынское público. Nº 3. 2014. C. 215 - 227; Сабитов g. M. Reseña de монографию Храпачевского R. P. los Pólovtsi-kunas en el volga-urales el interfluvio de los ríos (según fuentes chinas)»//Золотоордынское público. 2014. Nº 4. C. 208-215.
[3] The message to Zh.M Sabitov en babasan@ya.ru, asan-kaygy@ya.ru en 2014-m, and also see theme in Rodstvo.ru el Politólogo g. M. Сабитов en el adn de la genealogía»,
rodstvo.ru/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=5857&view=findpost&p =128296
[4] muratov b. a. génesis de étnic los bashkirios: historiografía y los estudios modernos. ЭИП Суюн», Serie de la ЭиД», Es 1. Cuadrados, de los urales, 2013, 267 c., ISBN: 978-5-9904583-1-4.
[5] Храпачевский R.P. los Pólovtsi-kunas en el volga-urales el interfluvio de los ríos. ЭИП Суюн», una Serie de de Mia», Es 2. Cuadrados, ЦИВОИ, 2013.
[6] Сабитов g. M. génesis de étnic los bashkirios, desde el punto de vista de la genética de poblaciones//The Spanish Journal of Genetic Genealogy (versión Española): Volumen 3, número 2, año 2011 ISSN: 1920-2997.
[7] Сабитов g. M. Reseña de монографию b. a. Муратова génesis de étnic los bashkirios: historiografía y los estudios modernos»//Золотоордынское público. Nº 3. 2014. C. 215 - 227.
[8] muratov b. a. Politólogo g. M. Сабитов en el adn de la genealogía//boletín de la Academia de adn genealogía. Boston, estados unidos, vol. 7, Nº 6, Junio de 2014, C. 1045-1049.
[9] muratov b. a. Refutación de los nuevos mitos de los politólogos de origen bashkir de la tribu бурзян//БЭИПС, T. 1., Nº 1, Noviembre De 2014, C. 30-38.
[10] muratov b. a. génesis de étnic los bashkirios: historiografía y los estudios modernos. ЭИП Суюн», Serie de la ЭиД», Es 1. Cuadrados, de los urales, 2013, 267 s. ISBN: 978-5-9904583-1-4, C. 20, 25, 162.
[11] muratov b. a. Politólogo g. M. Сабитов en el adn de la genealogía//boletín de la Academia de adn genealogía. Boston, estados unidos, vol. 7, Nº 6, Junio de 2014, C. 1045-1049.
[12] muratov b. a. Politólogo g. M. Сабитов en el adn de la genealogía//boletín de la Academia de adn genealogía. Boston, estados unidos, vol. 7, Nº 6, Junio de 2014, C. 1045-1049.
[13] muratov b. a. Refutación de los nuevos mitos de los politólogos de origen bashkir de la tribu бурзян//БЭИПС, T. 1., Nº 1, Noviembre de 2014, C. 30-38
[14] Галлямов a. Башкурдский el idioma y el sánscrito. M.-San Petersburgo., La universidad estatal de moscú, el Instituto de los trabajadores de kurdistán y la parte Delantera de asia, 2003.
[15] Фазылов a. C. los Antiguos bashkirios. Magnitogorsk, ML heridas, 1997.
[16] Through ethnic communication with the Gagauz people who have Oghuzs-Pechenegs origin, see: el Pasado de kazajstán en las fuentes y materiales. 1935, C. 151.; Gumilev L. N. De rusia, de rusia. Cuadrados, el Algoritmo, 2007, 384 c., C. 83, ISBN 978-5-92-65-0464 - 1.
[17] muratov b. a. génesis de étnic los bashkirios: historiografía y los estudios modernos. ЭИП Суюн», Serie de la ЭиД», Es 1. Cuadrados, de los urales, 2013, 267 c., ISBN: 978-5-9904583-1-4, S. 92. БЭИП Суюн»;.2, Mayo de 2015, nº 5 [1]; ISSN:2410-1788 480
[18] muratov b. a. génesis de étnic los bashkirios: historiografía y los estudios modernos. ЭИП Суюн», Serie de la ЭиД», Es 1. Cuadrados, de los urales, 2013, 267 c., ISBN: 978-5-9904583-1-4, C. 43.
[19] Литвинский b. a. los Antiguos nómadas «el Techo del mundo». M., La Ciencia, 1972.
[20] muratov b. a. génesis de étnic los bashkirios: historiografía y los estudios modernos. ЭИП Суюн», Serie de la ЭиД», Es 1. Cuadrados, de los urales, 2013, 267 c., ISBN: 978-5-9904583-1-4, C. 43.
[21] el Cáncer, es decir, el Siglo de los Mitos de la Antigua y раннесредневекового de irán (zoroastrismo). De san petersburgo.-Cuadrados, neva-jardín de Verano, 1998, 560 s.
[22] Сабитов g. M. Reseña de монографию b.A. Муратова génesis de étnic los bashkirios: historiografía y los estudios modernos»//Золотоордынское público. Nº 3. 2014. C. 215 - 227.