Project Suyun / Suyunche production
This site is dedicated to ethnogenomics-historic project "Sun", project Manager, Ramil Suyunov. A little about the history of our surname Suyunov.
The Synovi is a common surname, found mainly among the Turkic people of Eurasia (the Nogais, Tatars, Karakalpaks, Crimean Tatars), but there are also Slavic, Finno-Ugric and other peoples.
Our name is Synovi - Bashkir. the Sun means 'joy, happiness, charisma, luck, good news' in Turkic languages. In ancient times, Sun was the name of the steppe genera, were found among the Kipchaks. In the era of the Golden Horde, the term 'sun' was the carry meaning good news, and messengers bearing happy tidings was called settles down. In the middle ages, the race of Sun became the name of the generic names, a rising to the anthroponym (name), Sun. Our website family. Currently, it is difficult to say whether all Synovi - namesakes or they have genetic relationship. One of the objectives of this website, is the clarification of this aspect.
Sincerely, Ramil Suyunov...