Great Chemurchek migration from France to Altai at the beginning of the III-rd millennium B.C. - 1

The paper is devoted to the Chemurchek culture that existed on the territory of Dzhungaria and Mongolian Altai ca. 2600–1700 kyr BC. This culture appears to have a considerable num-ber of very close analogies in the Middle and Late Neolithic of South and Western France.
Numerous parallels can be seen in the con-struction of burial structures (overlapping perimetral cairns, burial corridors with dry stone side-walls), in the specific style of stone statues, and in the peculiar forms of vessels. In the author’s opinion, such a the close similarity between the cultural phe-nomena, separated by the distance of over 6,500 kilometers, can only be explained by a migration from the west of Europe to the Mongolian Altai. The results of this research can throw light on the problem of the origin of Tokharians (Tocharians). The Tokharian (Tocharian) language belongs to the western Indo-European languages and is closely related to the Proto-Germanic and Proto-Italian languages. According to the glottochronological data, it was exactly du-ring the period under consideration that the tokharian-speaking people came from the west to the heart of Asia.
Keywords: Early Bronze Age, European Megalithic cultures, Dzhungaria, Mongolian Altay, Chemurchek culture, Tokharians, Tocharians.


The Bulletin of Ethnogenomics-Historical Project "Suyun"

Moscow-Vila do Conde-Ufa, ISSN 2410-1788, Ural, Moscow; Suyunche, Portugal


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A. The origin of Nogais clans by the results of ethnogenomical expeditions of EH Project ''Suyun'' - 2 / / BEHP 'Suyun', M. - Vila do Conde - Ufa, Ural, ISSN 2410-1788, Volume 3, №8[1,2], October 2016, P. 671-675. Muratov B. A. About the descendants of Genghis Khan by data of ethnogenomics - 1. The merkitian warrior Chiledu was father of Genghis Khan? / / BEHP 'Suyun', M. - Vila do Conde - Ufa, Ural, ISSN 2410-1788, Volume 3, №7[1,2], September 2016, P. 611-614. Muratov B. A. La coincidencias linguistica - 1. Idioma baskir y espanol / / BEHP 'Suyun', M. - Vila do Conde - Ufa, Ural, ISSN 2410-1788, Volume 3, №6[1,8], June 2016, P. 558-563. Muratov B. A. The DNA-genealogy of Bashkirs tribes - 8. Ayle, Qir-Qangli, Asili-Qobau, Ithel-Elan clans / / BEHP 'Suyun', M. - Vila do Conde - Ufa, Ural, ISSN 2410-1788, Volume 3, №3[1,2], March 2016, P. 171-191. Wen Sh-Q., Muratov B. A., Suyunov R. R. 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Oghuz clans: ethnogenesis and genogeography - 1 / / BEHP 'Suyun', M. - Vila do Conde - Ufa, Ural, ISSN 2410-1788, Volume 2, №7 [1,2], July 2015, P. 648-694. Muratov B. A. The Big-Y results of Buryjan Bashkirs. Vol. 1 / / BEHP 'Suyun', M. - Vila do Conde - Ufa, Ural, ISSN 2410-1788, Volume 2, №1 [1,2,3], January 2015, P. 84-85. Muratov B. A. The origin of Nogais clans by the results of ethnogenomical expeditions of EH Project "Suyun" — 1 / / BEHP 'Suyun', M.-Vila do Conde-Ufa, Ural, ISSN 2410-1788, Volume 1, №2 [1,7], December 2014, P. 94-121.


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