Pelasgians and Balto-Slavic. The search for common roots

B. A. Muratov



The Studies of L. A. Gindin and V. L. Tsymbursky show us, that ancient population from Indo-Europeans of the Balkans were Pelasgians, in this regard, i assume that the Pelasgians were the ancient ancestors of the Proto Greek-Italic tribes, and related Proto Balto-Slavic tribes. Of the my opinion that the ancestors of the Pelasgians came to the Balkans and the Italian Peninsula from Central Europe and the Baltic.



The etymology of the ethnonym "Pelasgians" in my opinion, is akin to Russian 'beliy' (to mean - the 'white'), with the same translation and preserved in the original meaning in Latin and Balto-Slavic languages: Compare:

baltas (Lithuanian) - beliy (Russian) - to mean 'white',
balts (Latvian) - beliy (Russian) - to mean 'white',
blanc, alba (latin) - beliy (Russian) - to mean 'white'.
The same origin, meaning 'white' has term 'Baltika' (Baltic) being endoethnonym generic earth Lithuanians Letts - through more ancient form 'Plada', derived from ethnonim - Palathi (Pelasgians).
Amber Road began in the estuary. Pregel in the Vistula Lagoon (Aistmares - 'Stork land' the name of this bay on the Balt languages). In ancient times, this land was inhabited by Aesti nation, literally, to the Baltic languages ​​- 'the descendants of white storks' or by Slavic legends - 'Chud white-eyed' (Estonians).
Some historians suggest that Aistmares is the remains of the ancient trade and handicraft center Truso (maybe there is a relationship Truso with Etruria term). Latvians called this region - Samland. The fact that it was inhabited by the same people confirmed the name of the island of Kuressaare on the Latvian language - Sāmsala. In Latvian sala mean island, the word sām - logical translation has obtained "island sām-s." According to V. V. Valetov a right translate is ''themselves' from Balto-Slavic languages, ie 'Island of ourselves".
The Principality of "Samo" - the early medieval Slavic state, mentioned in written sources. Greek historians wrote that the Pelasgians called the island by the word 'samos', ie island Sāmsala mean 'Island of the islanders' ...
If we attach of these versions to the future research on DNA-archeology, then I expect for the ancient Pelasgians the lines of R1a haplogroup, perhaps even the lines R1a-Z283, R1a-Z280. While for the Dorians (late migration to the Balkans), probebly the haplogroup lines of R1b were likely to be characteristic. The Centum phonetics of the Greek language, in my opinion, from the carriers of the haplogroup R1b — descendants of the Dorians in the Greek people, whereas the Greek language itself, preserving the substrat of Indo-European base, is in fact the continuation of the ancient extinct Pelasgian language.



The Bulletin of Ethnogenomics-Historical Project "Suyun"

Moscow-Vila do Conde-Ufa, ISSN 2410-1788, Ural, Moscow; Suyunche, Portugal


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